Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What color makeup would go best with blue eyes?

i think pinks look good. and pale gray too!

Here's How to emphasys:

1. I'm not providing step by step instructions for this makeup how-to, but you can look at the five minute makeup how-to that is available below. Now here are some colors to try out.

2. Gold powder on the lids.

3. Plum liner along the lash line.

4. Two coats of mascara.

5. Blush: a deep reddish pink cream on the apples of the cheeks and a touch of pink highlighter on the cheekbones.What color makeup would go best with blue eyes?
green shadow makes blue eyes popWhat color makeup would go best with blue eyes?
the color pink of course!
browns purples almost anything
Light brown and tan eye shadow, and depending on your hair color (brown I guess) - you would want to use some bronzer - even year round just a touch is subtle but nice and makeup with deeper pink/rose or deeper peach undertones - though it does also depend on your exact skin tone. The best makeup is when you can't tell how much you have on - but it gives your face some glow and brings out your best features. :)
i hav blue eyes too and i lok good in my drk brown eyeliner and gold eyeshadow and peachy lip gloss

if that helps...
Read some useful make up tips and more on this site to help you
this quiz will give you colors, brands, and places to buy the products. (it asks how you act)

Use a deep gray or do a black eyeliner around your eyes. You always want to use a darker color to emphasize light eyes. Using browns will also emphasize light eyes.
browns, pinks
It depends on your skin tone and hair color as well as your eye color. I have blue eyes, and pinks,and roses look pretty good.
you alwayz go for darker eye make up if you have light eyes. you have to use opposite colors to bring out the color in your eyes. i believe the opposite of blue is like red and pink. you can also put browns like the other person sugested. dont put on too much blush because itll take away the effect. use like natural bronzer for ur face , and natural lookin lip gloss...good luck
brown really makes blue eyes pop but lots of other colors are cute too
I think as a women with blue eyes ,that it matters more as the color of your hair ,I have strawberry blonde ,so I wear browns real well .now if you have dark hair you can wear blues etc...I wear white alot ,cant go wrong there .have fun
Browns and earth tones.
I am no expert but I have heard that oranege makeup brings out blue.

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