deep blue, green, purple, moss, tan are all good
if she has lighter skin silver/grey will make her eyes pop
wing eyeliner in pencil and liquid for the side
natural foundation and face powder to set it.
dark lashes ( brrown) black is to harsh on blondes and light skin.
dont use liquid foundation! liquid foundation = fake.
good luck
xxxxxxxxxxMakeup for blue eyes and short blonde hair?
Heyy! So, you can go on YouTube and search allthatglitters21, she's blond and she has blue eyes, so you can see which tutorial really brings out her eyes. Or, you could also do this. Put on some really pigmented grey eyeshadow. Grey brings out the color of eyes on anybody. If you like, you could probably use a grey with green undertones in it, but you'd be safest with grey with blue undertones, or purple. MAC has a lot of grey eyeshadows. I hope I helped! Good luck.
Well, for blue eyes you want to use a medium brown eyeshadow, because that really brings out blue eyes. Also, warm the tones for her blush because she doesn't need anything harsh since she is 12 years old, and she doesn't need really anything besides that.
Hi, always go the opposite of the color wheel of the color of your eyes. My eyes are blue and I have dark brown hair with blonde highlights. I use browns and earth tone colors to make my eyes stand out. Hope this helps.
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